[vc_row full_width=”stretch_row_content_no_spaces”][vc_column][cs_banner style=”with-breadcrumbs” light=”true” breadcrumbs=”true” title=”Our mission” bg_image=”176″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_class=”fixed-nav”][vc_column][cs_menu menu=”about-menu-short”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width=”stretch_row_content” desctop_mt=”margin-lg-30t” desctop_mb=”margin-lg-45b” desctop_md_mt=”margin-md-10t” desctop_md_mb=”margin-md-25b” tablets_mt=”margin-sm-0t” tablets_mb=”margin-sm-5b” mobile_mt=”margin-xs-0t” mobile_mb=”margin-xs-0b” width_lg=”content-width-lg-70″ width_md=”content-width-md-80″ width_sm=”content-width-sm-90″ width_xs=”content-width-xs-100″][vc_column][curantis_info_block style=”text_style_1″ title=”Our Mission” text=”Our mission is to provide professional and paraprofessional services to clients in their homes assisting them to achieve the highest level of potential in their day-to-day self-care activities. We are committed to providing high quality, multidisciplinary care by professionals who recognize the necessity for comprehensive assessment of needs from both the client and professional’s point of view.”][curantis_info_block style=”text_style_1″ title=”Our Vision” text=”Our vision is to become the preferred home health care provider in each community we serve. We commit to improving the lives of all people entrusted to our care through clinical excellence and extraordinary service offered in an atmosphere of compassion, hospitality, and respect for the dignity of each person.
Home Care’s Standards of serve as a roadmap for our members, staff and community.”][curantis_info_block style=”text_style_1″ title=”Our Values” text=”Curantis team recognize the unique physical, emotional and spiritual needs of each person. We believe that the quality of our human resources-organization personnel and physicians-is the key to our continued success. We maintain financial viability through a cost-effective operation to meet the organization’s long-term commitment to the community.”][/vc_column][/vc_row]